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时间:2024-09-13   访问量:

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产品简介Product Introduction

自动进出料系统的作用是实现冻干核心区域设备的联动和自动化控制,将装料、冻干到出料等工序实行全自动无人操作,避免操作人员与产品接触,从而切断污染源,实现对产品的无菌控制,同时也提高生产效率,同时根据用户需要可以配备O-RABS、C- RABS或ISOL ATOR无菌隔离系统。

The function of the automatic loading and unloading system is to realize the equipment linkage and automatic control in the freeze-drying core area, and to carry out automatic and unmanned operation for loading, freeze-drying and unloading, to avoid the contact between the operator and the product, so as to cut off the pollution source and realize the product aseptic control, and also improve production efficiency. O-RABS, C-RABS or ISOLATOR sterile isolation system can also be equipped according to user’s needs.


下一篇:ALUS系列 移动式自动进出料系统

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