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时间:2024-09-13   访问量:

移动式汽化过氧化氢灭菌器 拷贝.jpg

产品简介Product Introduction


The equipment uses the "flash evaporation" technology to quickly turn hydrogen peroxide liquid into hydrogen peroxide gas, which passes through the spiral air supply module on the top of the equipment to maximize the diffusion of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the confined space and ensure the uniform distribution of hydrogen peroxide vapor in the target space.

产品特点Product Features

完善的产品架构Comprehensive Product Architecture


The equipment can be equipped with vaporization module, ventilation module, and concentration detection module. Each module adopts wireless communication and coordinated control of the host, providing an overall solution for sterilization in large spaces and multiple rooms.

数据可追溯性Data Traceability


The equipment is equipped with a needle printer and a Siemens screen, with functions such as electronic signature, electronic recording, and audit tracking.

操作便捷性Convenience of Operation


By using Ipad remote operation, personnel can monitor and operate the equipment outside the sterilization area. The equipment operates automatically, and the sterilization process does not require manual intervention.

灭菌能力强Strong Sterilization Ability

利用“闪蒸”技术将过氧化氢液体迅速变成过氧化氢气体,并通过设备扩散系统将其扩散到目标空间,理论灭菌体积可达500 m³以上。

Using "flash evaporation" technology to quickly convert hydrogen peroxide liquid into hydrogen peroxide gas, and diffuse it to the target space through the equipment diffusion system, with a theoretical sterilization volume of up to more than 500 m3.

设备安全性Equipment Safety


The equipment is equipped with a comprehensive hydrogen peroxide concentration detection function. The host is equipped with a fixed hydrogen peroxide concentration probe for real-time parameter monitoring in the sterilization area. Equipped with a handheld hydrogen peroxide concentration probe, it is used for safety protection before personnel enter the sterilization area.

工艺流程Technological Process

除湿阶段Dehumidification stage


Before the mobile vaporized hydrogen peroxide sterilizer begins to inject hydrogen peroxide vapor into the target space, the air conditioning system controls the relative humidity in the target space to below 45% and the temperature to above 25 ℃, preparing for the program to enter the adjustment phase.

调节阶段Regulation stage


During the concentration increase phase, the equipment continues to inject hydrogen peroxide vapor into the target space until the required concentration for sterilization is reached.

灭菌阶段Sterilization stage


During the sterilization stage, maintain the hydrogen peroxide concentration in the target space until sterilization is completed.

通风阶段Ventilation stage


The air conditioning system activates residual removal mode, quickly reducing the hydrogen peroxide concentration in the target space to a safe level.



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